Carbowatch cost fundamentals
Is CarboWatch really free?

Yes, CarboWatch is a totally free education of the bodyweight loss fundamentals. There are no hidden costs. There are no advertisements or endorsements on this website. You need to have clear understanding of the body engine functioning and foods without being lobbied by those peddling their products for profit. Only then you can independently decide what is right for you

How is it then supported?

CarboWatch was initially supported by its founding people – Dr. Raj Gupta and his family. On an ongoing basis, CarboWatch is supported with the voluntary contributions from those who benefit from the program. We believe that you want to lose your body weight, not the weight in gold of the money you have. Then:

Why pay,
Until you weigh,
Lighter every day,
As long as you may,
And keep that way?

Can I be a CarboWatch supporter?

Yes. In fact we would like you to support CarboWatch. All the funds are used in support of health and nutrition projects in developing countries. CarboWatch is associated with Child Haven International, a highly respected charity registered in Canada, India, and the USA. All CarboWatch supported projects are humanitarian, self-sustaining ongoing ventures.

You may determine your support as follows.
Before you practice CarboWatch, decide how much it is worth for you to lose each pound of bodyweight. Consider all the factors in this worth determination – tangible (cost of medicines, alternate programs, special foods, etc.) and intangible (self-esteem, self-confidence, improved health, etc.). Is the worth $1, $10, $100, $1000, or $1 million per pound of bodyweight loss? Then determine the amount you can realistically pay for it.

Make a commitment to yourself that once you have reached your targeted bodyweight and are able to keep it that way for a reasonable time, and also feel confident that you know enough to have complete control of your bodyweight, you will support CarboWatch with 50% of the amount, and support the health and environmental activities of your community with the remaining 50%. If you can’t provide support in one shot, please pledge to provide support in installments.

The funds will be used to support health and nutrition related activity of Child Haven International in the third world countries. If you live in Canada, India, or USA, you will be sent charitable donation receipts for income tax purpose. If you live elsewhere, ask your favorite charity to keep half of your support and forward the remaining half to Child Haven.

Please make your checks payable to:
CarboWatch – Child Haven International,
RR # 1, Maxville, ON, Canada K0C 1T0
Tel: +1-613-527-2829; Fax: +1-613-527-1118

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